All It Takes is an Internship: Jama Willis' Story

During the 2020 pandemic, Jama Willis, a Barstow High School junior, embarked on a virtual EXP summer internship at California State Assemblymember Mike Gipson’s district office in Gardena.

This opportunity was life-altering for Jama, a first-generation immigrant from Jamaica. There he cultivated an appreciation for the power of public service and advocacy. It set the stage for his academic and professional journey ahead. Today he is pursuing a joint concentration in Government and African & African American Studies at Harvard University. (Read Jama’s full story in our annual report here.)

The EXP Internship Program was my first step into the professional world,” said Jama. “I would not be on the path I am right now without that experience.”

That EXP summer internship changed Jama's trajectory.  Will you shape the future of our internship candidates this summer? 

In the next few weeks, 131 high school juniors will begin their transformative summer internship. They will walk into the internship as students and walk out as professionals. And they need our continue support to make that journey.

Your generosity will help provide direct economic support to our interns, allowing them to concentrate fully on their internship.

We have always come together to make sure students like Jama have a meaningful internship experience. Can we count on you to invest in their future? 

Please make a donation and help us reach our goal of $30,000 by the first week of the internship program at the end of June.

Want to make an even bigger impact? Consider becoming a program sponsor! Benefits include recognition at the program Culmination on August 2 and digital acknowledgment in our blast/newsletter and social media. For more information, please contact Jessica Ureña, Director of Development, at