A Dose of Inspiration from EXP Alumni

We all need some hope these days. A reconnection with positivity. A chance to share in the joy of someone's progress and success. So, please enjoy a sampling of good vibes shared with us by our EXP alumni – all made possible through your support:


“Before EXP/ITEP, I always thought that my only options were to stay local and to work whatever part-time job was available to me while in school. EXP opened a floodgate of opportunities I didn’t even realize were in my backyard. EXP introduced me to you, who inspired me to live away from the only home I ever knew and attend SDSU. EXP also prepared me for my first job in college as an admissions counselor to help serve first-gen students looking for guidance on how to get into college. It also gave me long-lasting friendships with then supervisors now turned friends. I am still in contact with my high school internship supervisor at International Cargo Equipment, as well as my supervisors and colleagues from my college internship at the Port of LA. So many things have come from it. I see my younger cousins go through the program and are now attending universities doing STEM programs and growing our family base of college grads.” – Evelyn Valle


“Seven years ago, I was a junior in high school with great grades, yet lacking a plan. EXP extended a helping hand. It was not long before I realized not only did I lack a plan, I also lacked the confidence and frankly quite a few key skills to succeed. EXP guided me to the career I have today as an Environmental Health and Safety Engineer for a Space and Defense company. I could have never imagined this career for myself nor executed a plan to achieve such goals on my own.” Maria Hernandez


“...I never thought courses and the internship that I took in high school would benefit me later in life. Extracurricular courses such as Environmental Science, Environmental Safety and my internship with then Tesoro came full circle in my current role at a local nonprofit, SBCC Thrive LA. I am currently the Program Director of the Energy Pathway Program (EPP), a training program that enables women, men and veterans to obtain entry level employment in process technology fields. EPP’s primary employer is the petrochemical processing industry. Who would have thought that 7 years after high school, I’d be working with partners such as Marathon Petroleum Corporation? So take every experience, extracurricular activity and opportunity! Don’t pass it up, for that could be the key to a career or job in the future!” - Maribel Alejandre

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“EXP/ITEP has positively impacted my life since my internship in 11th grade. It taught me to become hard working at a very young age and to strive for greatness. Thanks to the leadership and experience I gained because EXP, I went on to be the first college graduate in my family.” - Evelyn Carrillo

Feeling inspired? We hope you are because you helped these young women become the leaders our communities need. You are the fuel that keeps the opportunity engine running strong, across the region and spanning generations.

Your support enabled Maribel to participate in a life-changing internship, Evelyn to meet an influential mentor, and Maria to receive a scholarship to fund a college dream. What’s more, each one of these young alumnae are actively involved in paying forward the investment made in them through volunteering, mentoring and giving back to EXP and their communities.

Right now, we need a bit more fuel to keep these opportunities available.

Right now, there is a girl who feels exactly like Maria did; who lacks a plan and confidence. And, she is facing even greater hurdles than the ones in her own mind. Her school has been closed for months and she can’t see the future beyond the anxiety and depression she faces today. You can help us provide the online mentoring and self-care support she needs to get through this dark time.

Right now, there is a student just like Maribel, who hasn’t yet connected the dots between his classes and a future career. COVID-19 canceled the paid summer internship he was preparing for all last year. You can help us find virtual internship opportunities to fill the gaps that hands-on experience would have offered.

Right now, a young person like Evelyn, who might be thinking that college is a privilege for someone else. He or she might be deferring a dream to help their family survive today’s economic nightmare. You can help us ensure that there is a scholarship waiting for them when they are ready.

You can help us keep the inspiration flowing!

Help us reach our goal to raise $20K by June 30th. In the midst of a pandemic, our goal might sound ambitious. But, I believe we can do it. With your help. Whether it’s $20 or $200 or $2000 – you can make an impact. You can be a hero.

Please help us to keep inspiring young people to dream and providing them the experiences and opportunities to turn those dreams into reality.

Did you know that helping our students right now can also provide a tax advantage? The federal CARES Act allows you to deduct your charitable gift up to $300, even if you don't itemize. Let's do this!